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teach me all the thingsIf you haven't heard about James Wedmore yet, GOOGLE HIM.
He's the bomb and my business wouldn't be where it is today if I hadn't stumbled upon his course, BUSINESS BY DESIGN last year.
I started my business in January 2019, and by Christmas, I had made my first 100K.
They say your first 100K is the hardest and I realized it's because most of us are trying to figure it out...
Giving free value feels really good to me. It makes sales easy and fun, plus it gives people a taste, before inviting them to buy the sandwich.
So how do you avoid someone standing...
Your identity isn't fixed. You have the ability to change your identity and shift out of the identity that is no longer helping you achieve your goals.
There are 5 key pieces that come...
Sell your signature courseĀ on autopilot.
Watch the free training now!
Learn how to turn your online course into aĀ 6 Figure stream of revenue without exhausting live launches or pumping out endless amounts of free content