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The 5 surprising reasons your offers arenā€™t converting

If you’ve ever had a launch that didn’t perform like you’d hoped, this one's for you. I am outlining the surprising reasons your offers aren’t converting, and what to do...

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The Truth Why New Year's Resolutions Don't Work Out

Are you one of those people who can’t seem to move past their New Year’s resolutions until the second week of January? Read on! This is for you! To be able to make real and lasting...

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The 5 Types of Offers Your Business Needs NOW

Before the end of 2020, I really took the time to figure out what my plan is for the next year. Looking back at the last couple of years of my business, I started to ask myself, what is my core...

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Your Success is Inevitable (Throwback) With James Wedmore

Ever look at an old photo of yourself and get really nostalgic about how far you’ve come since that photo was taken? Today’s episode is a little bit like that for me. I am...

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